Archive for the ‘Sex’ Category

Kindergarten Kondoms

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A new policy approved by the Provincetown, Massachusetts school committee would, in theory, make condoms available to kindergarteners without their parents’ knowledge or consent.  Naturally, this has a lot of people in an uproar — mostly the sort of folks who are opposed to sex in general.  The policy is an “absolute push to promote sexual promiscuity,” according to Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, an organization apparently dedicated to stamping out anything fun.  “This is the theater of the absurd to hand condoms to first-graders who don’t even know what their purpose possibly could be, who can’t even spell sex,” he added.


Talking Cow Encourages Sex Ed

Monday, June 21st, 2010

So abstinence education doesn’t work — even Bristol Palin admitted that.  Teenagers need realistic, accurate information about sex and pregnancy.  It simply makes sense that teenagers get that kind of information as part of an overall biology/health education program in school, so that what is taught is both correct and consistent.  The alternative is to have kids learn about sex on the playground or, even worse, from potential (hopeful?) lovers.  That’s where ideas like “you can’t get pregnant the first time” and “if you love me, you’ll let me” come from.  So, yes, sex education is a good thing.  But should it really come from a talking cow?
