Archive for August, 2015
Sunday, August 23rd, 2015
There’s more to being the father of a kid with celiac disease than being annoying at restaurants and crying in grocery stores. There’s a lot of freaking out about the presence of gluten and cross-contamination as well. And sometimes, it involves washing dishes. Lots of dishes.
Last night, I went to the silverware drawer to get some forks and knives for dinner. I pulled out a knife and realized that it was covered with Nutella. “Who put a dirty knife back in the drawer?” I called out. “It’s covered with food!”
Tags: celiac, celiac disease, chores, dinner, dishes, dishwasher, flatware, gluten, gluten free, silverware, washing dishes
Posted in Celiac Disease, Health, Meals, Safety | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
Just about the number one job of any parent is to keep our kids safe. We teach them not to take candy from strangers, we tell them to stay away from drugs and cigarettes, and we make sure they wear a helmet when riding a bicycle and a seat belt when riding in the car.
But we can’t be with them every moment of every day — sometimes we just have to let go and trust in what we’ve taught them and in the competence and responsibility of those to whom we entrust them. Whether they’re in the watchful care of a teacher, a fellow parent, or a family member, we have to believe that that person will work as hard as you do to keep them safe — or at least as hard as they do for their own kids. But what if that’s not enough?
Tags: cars, safety, seat belt, seatbelts, security, transportation, travel, trucks
Posted in Bad Parenting 101, Safety | No Comments »
Saturday, August 15th, 2015

Source: Facebook/WOTE
Having a baby is a crazy time in anyone’s life. Whether it’s your first child and you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into or your third and it’s all been-there-done-that, it’s surely going to be a crazy, hectic time. And yet, many of us manage to fit in some wild stuff in between labor pains. There are the usual things like not getting any medication to help with the pain (you put me in that much pain and I’d be breaking into the prison pharmacy if I had to) or eating a hearty meal only to throw it up shortly thereafter.
Tags: childbirth, labor, music, pregnancy, WOTE
Posted in Humor, Parents at Work, Pregnancy | No Comments »
Monday, August 10th, 2015

Source: YouTube
By far, the most attractive quality in a woman, as far as I’m concerned, is confidence. Add competence to that and there’s no way simple physical beauty can compete.
With that in mind, I’ve always felt that moms — women who have their act together and are raising their kids with love and care — are more far attractive than those “barely legal teens” you hear so much about on the internet. And, based on a new video from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the Gregory Brothers, it sounds like I’m not alone in that assessment.
Tags: beauty, Gregory Brothers, Humor, humour, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, moms, schmoyoho, sex, sexy, videos, youtube
Posted in Entertainment, Humor | No Comments »