Posts Tagged ‘cars’
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015
Just about the number one job of any parent is to keep our kids safe. We teach them not to take candy from strangers, we tell them to stay away from drugs and cigarettes, and we make sure they wear a helmet when riding a bicycle and a seat belt when riding in the car.
But we can’t be with them every moment of every day — sometimes we just have to let go and trust in what we’ve taught them and in the competence and responsibility of those to whom we entrust them. Whether they’re in the watchful care of a teacher, a fellow parent, or a family member, we have to believe that that person will work as hard as you do to keep them safe — or at least as hard as they do for their own kids. But what if that’s not enough?
Tags: cars, safety, seat belt, seatbelts, security, transportation, travel, trucks
Posted in Bad Parenting 101, Safety | No Comments »
Thursday, June 30th, 2011
Given my fierce opposition to anything violent in my kids’ entertainment and my critique of Pixar’s apparent move away from child-appropriate films (not to mention commenter Tim’s disappointed commentary on their latest film), you would not be out of line to assume that there is no way I would take my kids to see Cars 2. And so you would likely be rather surprised to hear that my kids did indeed go with their Nana to see Cars 2 yesterday. What, you might ask, was I thinking? Why would I allow such a violation of my principles?
Tags: cars, cars 2, disney, entertainment, films, movies, pixar, violence
Posted in Bad Parenting 101, Education, Entertainment, Parenting Issues, Parenting News | No Comments »
Sunday, June 26th, 2011
For the last 15 years, Pixar has been known for some amazing animation, ideal, for the most part, for even younger children. Toy Story 1, 2, and 3 were all wonderful films, according to both kids and critics. WALL-E is a great lesson in what can happen if we don’t take care of our planet. And I will certainly admit that I still cry at the end of Cars when Lightning gives up the race to do the right thing. But have recent Pixar films become too violent for young kids?
Tags: cars, cars 2, disney, entertainment, films, movies, pixar, violence
Posted in Entertainment, Parenting Issues | 1 Comment »
Saturday, June 11th, 2011
It’s an old joke — A nice old lady encounters a little boy standing on a street corner holding a bundle tied to the end of a stick. She asks where he’s going and he tells her that he’s running away from home. Concerned, she asks where “home” is and he points to a house just a couple of doors from the corner where he’s standing. Less worried, she asks if this is as far as he’s going and the boy sighs and tells her “I guess so. I’m not allowed to cross the street by myself.”
But in the real world, is there really reason to worry about kids a crossing the street? Certainly, when they’re four or five years old, they shouldn’t be going anywhere by themselves but what about at, say, age ten or twelve? Is a middle-school student old enough to cross the street by himself? You might think so, but watch this video and you may very well change your mind.
Tags: automobiles, bicycles, cars, intersections, new york city, safety, streets, traffic
Posted in Parenting Issues, Safety | No Comments »
Saturday, June 4th, 2011
When I was growing up, my siblings and I were absolutely required to wear seatbelts at all times when traveling in a car. Considering the way my mother drove, that’s a very good thing. Back then, it was a matter of personal choice; today it’s the law. Electronic signs along the freeways I drive to work proclaim “click it or ticket”, the slogan law enforcement agencies are using to remind people to wear their seatbelts and officers are indeed handing out tickets for failing to comply. As one Texas ten-year-old found out, that applies to kids as well as adults.
Tags: automobiles, cars, driving, highway, laws, police, safety, seatbelts, texas, tickets
Posted in Discipline, Legislation, Parenting Issues, Parenting News, Safety | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 14th, 2010
So now that you have kids, chances are you’re stuck driving a minivan a fair bit of the time. They handle poorly, they’re ugly, and they’re not exactly manly. I suspect most guys would jump at the chance to drive a sports car or pick-up truck instead. The problem is that very few vehicles will haul a whole mess of kids as efficiently and as affordably as a minivan. But don’t give up hope, dads — Nissan’s got your back.
Tags: adult entertainment, cars, gps, minivan, navigation, nissan, quest, sex, strip club
Posted in Entertainment, Parenting Issues, Product News, Sex | No Comments »