Given my fierce opposition to anything violent in my kids’ entertainment and my critique of Pixar’s apparent move away from child-appropriate films (not to mention commenter Tim’s disappointed commentary on their latest film), you would not be out of line to assume that there is no way I would take my kids to see Cars 2. And so you would likely be rather surprised to hear that my kids did indeed go with their Nana to see Cars 2 yesterday. What, you might ask, was I thinking? Why would I allow such a violation of my principles?
Posts Tagged ‘pixar’
Caving In To Cars 2
Thursday, June 30th, 2011Has Pixar Become Too Grown-Up?
Sunday, June 26th, 2011For the last 15 years, Pixar has been known for some amazing animation, ideal, for the most part, for even younger children. Toy Story 1, 2, and 3 were all wonderful films, according to both kids and critics. WALL-E is a great lesson in what can happen if we don’t take care of our planet. And I will certainly admit that I still cry at the end of Cars when Lightning gives up the race to do the right thing. But have recent Pixar films become too violent for young kids?