Posts Tagged ‘abuse’

Scouting for Boys

Friday, September 21st, 2012

As if the whole “we hate gays” atmosphere weren’t enough reason to avoid the Boy Scouts of America, there’s a whole ‘nother reason to stay away — a significant number of adult volunteers and employees of the BSA have been accused of using their position to molest boys and the organization has, in many cases, failed to report such allegations to authorities.  Even worse, in more than 100 cases, the group worked to cover up the accusations.  This really gives new meaning to the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared.”


Teenager Takes On Arizona Schools — All Of Them

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

It’s almost as if you can’t turn around, these days, without bumping into someone suing someone else over something that seems silly to everyone but the person suing and, possibly, the person being sued.  Lawsuits involving kids and schools are no exception — parents seem to sue at the drop of a hat if they feel their precious snowflake has been slighted.  Even so, if there really is a problem, sometimes a lawsuit — or the threat of one, anyway — is exactly what’s needed to make things happen.  And so, Caleb Laieski has contacted school administrators in Arizona with the threat of a lawsuit if they don’t change their ways.  That is, he contacted all of them.


Zero Percent Abuse

Friday, November 12th, 2010

For years, hateful bigots have tried to associate gays and lesbians with pedophilia, claiming that gay and lesbian couples cannot possibly be allowed to be parents because it wouldn’t be safe for the children.  It looks like these folks are going to have to find a new boogeyman, based on the results of a new report.
