Posts Tagged ‘independence’

Alex P. Keaton and the Fourth of July

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

I have an early memory — probably from about age four or five — of Fourth of July fireworks.  We had gone to see the big fireworks show and I was in bed trying to go to sleep.  Back then, however, firecrackers and bottle rockets were completely legal and larger explosives were not uncommon.  To a young child, however, the noise was terrifying — I knew for sure that one of those fireworks I was hearing was going to land on our roof and burn the house down with all of us in it.  And perhaps that’s why I’m an ultra-liberal these days.  Yes, before you head out to that Fourth of July parade or fire up the Independence Day barbecue, you might want to take a look at what a new study has to say about the lasting effects of such festivities.


Kids’ Christmas Shopping

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Many years ago, before I had kids of my own, I used to take my niece, then about 6 or 7 years old, Christmas shopping.  I gave her a modest budget and let her pick out gifts for her brother, her parents and grandparents, and my wife.  We’d get half a dozen presents and spend about twenty dollars or so.  Fast forward about ten years and she’s quite capable of doing her own holiday shopping.


Happy Fourth of July!

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

Today is the anniversary of the signing of one of the most incredible documents ever composed in all of man’s history.  It formed what was to become, despite its problems, one of the greatest nations ever seen.  If you’ve got a moment, here are a couple of videos to remind you what this country is all about and, perhaps, bring a smile to your face.
