Just because your teens aren’t hanging out at the mall, don’t presume they can’t run up your credit card bill. In fact, it may very well be that they are part of the population of online virtual worlds racking up a whopping — dare I say mind-blowing? — 7 billion dollars in sales of virtual goods in 2010 alone. Yes, you read that right — in the midst of a huge economic crisis, people have spent 7 billion (with a “B”) dollars on stuff that isn’t even real.
Posts Tagged ‘online’
Beware the Virtual Mall
Friday, November 19th, 2010Facebook for First Graders
Tuesday, November 9th, 2010Facebook has become such an integral part of our culture that it is as familiar to the average person as the horseless carriage (cars) and the magic picture box (television). Of course, it is the younger generation that is primarily driving acceptance, but it is increasingly popular with seniors as well, as they discover how easy it is to keep in touch with family members living elsewhere. Even as it is becoming a way of life for teens and adults, however, what about the elementary school crowd?