Posts Tagged ‘university’

Getting Out of the Closet at Cal Poly

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

My oldest is finishing his freshman year (albeit with sophomore standing, if I may brag a bit) at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (or Cal Poly, as most people call it) and while I have worked hard not to be a helicopter parent, I have been following his college career very closely. I never really went to university — just a couple of years at the local community college before dropping out — and so the entire process is fascinating to me. I’m also incredibly proud of my son and enjoy watching his progress. I am involved with a couple of parents’ groups on Facebook and of the Cal Poly subreddit on Reddit. It was on Reddit that I came across a post about the campus Pride Center which, apparently, is literally in the closet — an old electrical closet that was remodelled.


Court Rules: A Promise Is A Promise

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

Be careful what you promise your kids — you may have to follow through.  When I was a young adult, my father told me that if I lost enough weight to fit into size 30 jeans, he would buy me a car.  I got close, but never made it before he passed away.  Someday, though, I will lose the weight and then I’ll visit my father’s grave and say “you owe me a car!”  Of course, I realize that it would take a miracle to get him to pony up my new ride.  For Dana Soderberg, on the other hand, all it took was a lawyer.
