How much responsibility does a restaurant have to ensure that healthy options are available for kids and families? At some restaurants, the only healthy item available might be a glass of water and that’s okay, if that’s the sort of establishment they want to be. How about, though, restaurants that try to be “family-friendly” and that offer a “kid’s meal”? Do they have any obligation to make healthy options available, at least as part of the kid’s meals?
Posts Tagged ‘soda’
Restaurant Responsibilities
Tuesday, May 17th, 2011Beer Cans Bad For Babies
Friday, October 29th, 2010I’ve long been one of those snobs who simply won’t drink beer that comes in a can. Heck, in many cases, I won’t even call it beer. It turns out, now, that quality and taste of the beer is just one reason to avoid beer in cans. According to a study of Chinese factory workers, drinking beer (or, for that matter, soda) from cans will do more than reduce your chances of getting laid — it affects your ability to make anything happen if you do.