Posts Tagged ‘talking’

Who marries who at 3 years old?

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Marriage is an abstract concept that, frankly, most young children don’t fully understand.  For them, it’s usually good enough to know that when grown-ups love each other very much and want to be a family together, they get often get married.  There’s no need to discuss the tax implications or workplace benefits or hospital visitation rights with a three-year-old.  But is it necessary to limit the concept to the traditional one-man-one-woman definition just because you’re talking to a three-year-old?  Even if you, personally, are okay with the idea of same-sex marriage?  Even if you live in a country where same-sex marriage is legal?  Lisa van de Geyn, writing in Today’s Parent, seems to think so, because talking about same-sex marriage is hard.


Best Words of 2010

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Sadly, I think this will be the last year I’ll have a Best Words list as my littlest is growing and his speech is getting better every day.  In the meantime, however, here are the Best Words of 2010 — my favorite mispronunciations, misinterpretations, and just plain amusing figures of speech, courtesy of my two-year-old.
