Posts Tagged ‘sex’

Yes, Moms Really Are Hotter

Monday, August 10th, 2015
Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

By far, the most attractive quality in a woman, as far as I’m concerned, is confidence.  Add competence to that and there’s no way simple physical beauty can compete.

With that in mind, I’ve always felt that moms — women who have their act together and are raising their kids with love and care — are more far attractive than those “barely legal teens” you hear so much about on the internet.  And, based on a new video from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the Gregory Brothers, it sounds like I’m not alone in that assessment.


Dancing Is For Boys

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

My oldest son is turning into quite the hoofer.  He’s no Gene Kelly, yet, but at only nine years old, I wouldn’t expect him to be.  If he keeps at it, however — and he certainly seems to have the motivation to do so — by the time he graduates from high school he very well could be up there with the likes of Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, The Nicholas Brothers, Sandman Sims, and so on.  He’s always tapping his toes and practicing his dances.


Hooters: Prurient Pleasure or Family Fun?

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Even if you’ve never been to a Hooters restaurant and know nothing about the chain of eateries, chances are you can guess what draws people to them.  Sure, I’ve heard tell the chicken wings are good, but it’s not wings that people think of when they think “hooters”.  Indeed, the company has been successfully sued by men for not being hired as waitstaff and the employee handbook at one time allegedly required female employees to acknowledge and accept that “the essence of the Hooters concept is entertainment through female sex appeal.”

So would you take your kids there?


Making Minivans For Dad

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

So now that you have kids, chances are you’re stuck driving a minivan a fair bit of the time.  They handle poorly, they’re ugly, and they’re not exactly manly.  I suspect most guys would jump at the chance to drive a sports car or pick-up truck instead.  The problem is that very few vehicles will haul a whole mess of kids as efficiently and as affordably as a minivan.  But don’t give up hope, dads — Nissan’s got your back.


The Easy Gene

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

If you want to know if your kids are going to be the sort that sleep around or the kind that prefers long-term relationships, you might just want to have them get a DNA test.  Even if they’re still too young to know about such things, you can still get some idea of what they’ll be like.  And, if you’re not happy with what you find out, it’s your own fault.  After all, they got their genes from you.


Teaching Gender Stereotypes

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

I try hard to avoid gender stereotypes with my kids.  I know full well that my career over the last 30 years as a computer programmer was made possible by a woman.  I also know that one the most hardcore overland adventurers I know is a woman.  There seem to be a lot more male chefs on TV than women.  And my daughter continually amazes me with her Herculean strength, even as my son impresses me with his empathy.  And yet, it seems, children pick up on stereotypes as early as preschool even from the most innocent comments.  Yes, it turns out that even “Good morning, boys and girls” is enough to induce gender awareness in preschoolers.


Talking To Kids — Does It Work?

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

It seems that radio stations play the “talk to your kids about drugs” ads almost as much as they do music these days.  Aside from the fact that they aren’t music, that’s not a bad thing.  After all, I don’t think anyone would argue that parents shouldn’t talk to their kids about drugs or that doing so would lead to increased abuse.  Mind you, it’s certainly not foolproof prevention, but it also certainly can’t hurt.  So why is it that parents don’t feel the same way about sex?


Sex Ed: Classroom or Playground?

Friday, July 9th, 2010

Where would you have your kids learn about sex?  For some, the answer is definitely not “in school”.  Some parents want to either take on the job of teaching their kids about sex-related topics themselves or shield their children from the subject matter entirely.  In California, and most other states, I suspect, a parent can opt to have their child skip the lessons but, as one Southern California mom discovered, missing the classroom discussions doesn’t mean your son or daughter won’t be hearing all about it


How Creepy is Breastmilk?

Monday, June 28th, 2010

There has been quite the campaign to promote breastfeeding as the best option for newborns and I fully support it.  My wife breastfed all three of our children for more than a year each — no small feat for a woman working fulltime or more and certainly more than most American mothers do.  On the other hand, I certainly understand when a woman — for whatever reason — is unable to breastfeed.  Certainly, “Breast is Best” but that’s not always possible.  But what about when a woman is perfectly capable of breastfeeding but chooses not to?


Kindergarten Kondoms

Friday, June 25th, 2010

A new policy approved by the Provincetown, Massachusetts school committee would, in theory, make condoms available to kindergarteners without their parents’ knowledge or consent.  Naturally, this has a lot of people in an uproar — mostly the sort of folks who are opposed to sex in general.  The policy is an “absolute push to promote sexual promiscuity,” according to Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, an organization apparently dedicated to stamping out anything fun.  “This is the theater of the absurd to hand condoms to first-graders who don’t even know what their purpose possibly could be, who can’t even spell sex,” he added.
